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Online Orders Delivery Policy

Last Updated 11 Feb, 2024
  • Customers may request postponing delivery / pick up date before at least one working day; provided, the delivery / pick up date remain within the reservation period (one month from creation date), and according to the products availability
  • All sales contracts are subject to delivery / installation fees in accordance with the internal policy of each of the sales departments.
  • The customer will be contacted prior to their scheduled appointment to confirm the date of delivery/receipt.
  • Tiles and grouts are off-loaded at the Customers’ building entrance, all other goods will be of-loaded inside the customers’ residence.
  • In case the Customer –in person– or their representative were not present at the site on the scheduled time of delivery, or the customer site was not ready to receive their purchases, another delivery date will be scheduled on the nearest available date according to our system, In the case of a repeated occurrence, products reservation will be cancelled.
  • Supply & Installation terms for Doors & Windows, Kitchens and Corporate Project Orders are identified in their detailed contracts.
  • Customers are kindly requested to check their products upon arrival before signing the delivery note. Any damages or discrepancies must be reported within forty-eight (48) hours, ABYAT will take the necessary actions immediately.
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